Classification of sludge
Before sludge treatment, you must first understand the classification of sludge in order to determine the sludge treatment method:
⒈Treatment of physical and chemical sludge discharged from the sedimentation tank or concentration tank of the water plant
Sludge classification: It is a medium-fine-grained organic and inorganic mixed sludge with average compressibility and dehydration performance.
Treatment of remaining activated sludge discharged from the secondary sedimentation tank of the domestic sewage plant
Sludge classification: It is a hydrophilic, fine-grained organic sludge with poor compressibility and poor dehydration performance.
⒊Treatment of physical, chemical and biochemical mixed sludge produced by industrial wastewater treatment and discharged from the concentration tank
Classification of sludge: It is a medium-fine-grained mixed sludge with good dehydration performance containing fiber, and average compressibility and dehydration performance.
⒋Physical and chemical fine-grained sludge treatment produced by physical and chemical methods discharged from industrial wastewater treatment through concentration tanks
Sludge classification: It is a fine-grained inorganic sludge with average compressibility and dehydration performance.
⒌ Treatment of physical and chemical sedimentation of coarse-grained sludge produced by industrial wastewater treatment
Sludge classification: It is a coarse-grained hydrophobic inorganic sludge with good compressibility and dewatering properties.Huatai environmental company supply sludge treatment, waste water treatment, any need please email to